Illusion Temple

Illusion Temple is one of the most exciting moments in the game.

It is a chance to meet other players of your level and gain a huge

amount of experience points. The event is a PvP ,

takes place every [X] hours, min. number of players from 2 and max. 10 players.

The event lasts 20 minutes, during which time you

can have a great time and get a sufficient amount of experience.

In order to get into the Temple of Illusions, you must first find

"Mirage" in Lorencia (138x138), and give him the invitation.

Illusion Temple Levels



Character level


Premium Summon 20 W CoinC



Premium Summon 30 W CoinC

271 - 320


Premium Summon 40 W CoinC

32 1- 350


Premium Summon 50 W CoinC

351 - 380


Premium Summon 60 W CoinC

381 - 400


Game Master Summon 70 W CoinC

Master Level *

Schedule: 20:05

*After completing the 3rd profession, any class of level 220-400 passes into illusion-6.

To create an invitation you need to:

Old Scroll +[1-6] Illusion Sorcerer Covenant +[1-6] 1x Jewel of Chaos Scroll of Blood +[1-6]

Depending on your level, you will need different amounts of ZEN.

You have about 5 minutes to enter the temple. If there are min.

number of players, the event will start.

In the waiting room, you will be randomly divided into 2 teams:

Red Team and Blue Team. This process will only take a minute,

then the battle will begin immediately.

The zone is divided into 2 areas (East and West),

where the podium of each team is located.

Your task is to get the ball to your team's podium.

The team that returns the ball 7 times wins. It sounds simple,

but in reality there are some difficulties.

• To take the ball from the statue, you must be near it for at least 10 seconds.

• Remember, when you dribble the ball, you will appear on the map

and your running speed will decrease, making you more vulnerable to

being caught by the other team.

• As soon as you hit the ball onto your pedestal

(you must be there for 10 seconds),

your team gets a point. Then the statue will reappear in a random place.

• If you die, your ball can be picked up by any other player.

Stone StatueMU Allies GeneralIllusion Sorcerer ElderAlliance Sacred Item StorageIllusion Castle Sacred Item

Skills you will be able to use at the event:



Magic Shield: defensive skill.

Resistance: Prevents the enemy from casting spells or moving for a short period of time.

Warp: Teleport to the ball.

Freeze time: The player deals double damage to the enemy's SD.


Currently this is only one server.
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