Fortress of Imperial Guardian

The event "New Imperial Guard Fortress" takes place on the Varka map.

Map structure

- From Monday to Sunday, the Varka map changes depending on the day.

Card of the day - Monday and ThursdayCard of the day - Tuesday and Friday
Card of the day - Wednesday and SaturdayCard of the day - Sunday

Requirements for participation in the event

You must be at least level 15 to participate in the event. The event occurs at

any time according to the character's requirement, and you can enter it as many time

s a day as you like. NPC Jerint the Assistant is located in the city of Lorencia at

coordinates (146x146).

NPC "Jerint the Assistant"

- You can only participate in this event in a party with a minimum

of 2 characters and a maximum of 5 characters.
- Upon entry, they will be transferred to the level of the

party's highest level character (including Master level).

Event Map Square

(1) Description

- "Event Map Square" is the area where you can access

the main events of Mu Online.

- Imperial Guardian is an event that can be entered into

the Event Map Square.

- You can apply to participate in the event only at

"Event Map Square".

- NPCs involved in the described events have been

moved to the "Event Map Square".

(2) Steps to follow

- How to move to "Event Map Square"

Moving with the command panel "M"

1. Press "M" key and click "Event Square" to enter.

2. Your Zen will be reduced by 20,000 after entering the "Event Square".

Event Map Square(2)

Item required for entry Monday through Saturday:

- To create Order of Gaion, you need Suspicious Scrap of Paper.

Suspicious Scrap of Paper
Drops from monsters level 32 and above.
Collecting 5 Suspicious Scrap of Paper will automatically create Order of Gaion
Order of Gaion

Item required for entry on Sunday:

Complete Secromicon
It is used to enter the "Imperial Guardian" event on Sunday.

Method of creating Complete Secromicon

Secromicon Fragment

Items required for crafting:

Items for combinationAssembly prediction
6x Secromicon Fragment
1x Jewel of Chaos
Complete Secromicon


- To enter the event, you must present a ticket to the NPC

assistant Jerint the Assistant, he is located in Event Square at coordinates

(234, 29) and will automatically adjust the difficulty according to your level.

NPC "Jerint the Assistant"Entry Message

Imperial Guardian Event Monsters

- Appear randomly in any zone.

QuartermasterCombat InstructorKnight CommanderGrand WizardMaster Assassin
Cavalry CaptainShield BearerMedicKnightsBodyguard

Imperial Guardian Event Boss

- The boss may change depending on the day.

Boss of the day - MondayBoss of the day - TuesdayBoss of the day - WednesdayBoss of the day - Thursday
ErkanneRaymondJerintGaion Kharein
Boss of the day - FridayBoss of the day - SaturdayBoss of the day - SundayBoss of the day - Sunday


Inside the event

- Daily events from Monday to Saturday consist of 3 stages,

each of which requires killing 7 monsters before the time limit

of 10 minutes per stage is up.
- Sunday's event consists of 4 stages, each of which requires

killing 7 monsters before the time limit of 10 minutes per stage is up.

- Success is achieved if you kill all the monsters and survive the event.

- If you die during the event.

Main reward
- Master Level Experience, Item Excellent, Item Ancient.


Currently this is only one server.
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