Doppelganger (Lugard )

The "Double Goer" event takes place on the Doppelganger map.

Map structure

- The Doppelganger map is divided into 4 zones.

Blaze ZoneCrystal Cave
Ice ZoneUnderwater

Number of participants in Doppelganger

To enter, you must be at least level 50 and be in a party of 5 characters.

NPC Rugard is located in the city of Lorencia at coordinates (152x146).

NPC "Rugard"

Doppelganger Opening

- 1 time per day

Event Map Square

(1) Description

- "Event Map Square" is the area where you can access the main events of Mu Online.

- Doppelganger is an event that you can apply for at the "Event Map Square".

- You can apply to participate in the event only at "Event Map Square".

- NPCs involved in the described events have been moved to the "Event Map Square".

(2) Steps to follow

- How to move to "Event Map Square"

Moving with the command panel "M"

1. Press "M" key and click "Event Square" to enter.

2. Your Zen will be reduced by 20,000 after entering the "Event Square".

Navigate using the notification icon

1. You can enter "Event Square" from the notification icon in the game.

2. After entering the "Event Square", your Zen will be reduced by 20,000.

Event Map SquareDoppelganger Entry notification icon

Notification of acceptance

(1) Description

- A notification icon will appear when an event is available for entry.

- The event icon will be displayed on the game screen when it is available

to enter and will disappear after the entry time has passed.

- You will be taken to the "Event Map Square" by clicking on the event notification icon.

- The notification icon will be shown below.

(2) Notification Icon Locations

- Notification icons will be displayed on the top left side of the game screen.

(3) How to use

- When it's time to enter the event, click on the notification icon.

- When clicked, a pop-up window will appear.

- Click OK in the pop-up window to go to the "Event Map Square".

- At the "Event Map Square" find the event NPC and request access to the event.


(1) The event schedule has been changed.

(2) Doppelganger Event Schedule


Level required to enter Doppelganger

Doppelganger LevelMain charactersMagic Gladiator/Dark Lord/Rage Fighter

Item required to enter:

Mirror of Dimensions
It is used to enter the "Doppelganger" event.

Items required for crafting:

- To create a Mirror of Dimensions, you need 5 Sign of Dimensions.

Sign of Dimensions
Drops from monsters level 32 and above.
Collecting 5 Sign of Dimensions will automatically create a Mirror of Dimensions.


To enter the event, you need to present a ticket to NPC Rugard, who is located in

the Event Map Square coordinates (168, 58) he will automatically set the difficulty

according to your level.

NPC "Rugard"Entry Message

Doppelganger Event Monsters

- Appear randomly in any zone.

Dark KnightDark WizardFairy ElfMagic GladiatorDark Lord
SummonerRage FighterGrow LancerRune MageSlayer
Gun CrusherKundun MephisLemurianIllusion KnightDoppleganger

Event boss

- The event involves 3 bosses that need to be killed to complete the event.

SlaughtererIce WalkerFurious Slaughterer


Event Time
- Event lasts 10 minutes

General Battle
- When you enter, you will be randomly placed in an area to

start the event, monsters will constantly appear.

Main Fight
- The main fight involves killing 3 bosses that spawn in a certain

area and preventing them from going through the portal.

- As part of the event, there is a mission to find the Ice Walker boss,

if you can't kill him within a few minutes, stronger monsters will appear.



Events Interface

1) Shows the number of monsters that have passed through the portal and the time remaining until the end of the event.
2) Shows the location of Boss Ice Walker.
3) Sample The distance between the starting point and the monster's point.
The triangle indicates the current character's location.
The blue triangle indicates your location.
The black triangle indicates the position of your party members.
4) The yellow line shows the distance between monsters.
Depending on whether monsters pass through the portal, the colors can change to yellow, orange, and red.

- Don't miss more than 3 monsters and survive the event.

- Die in an event or miss more than 3 monsters.


- If you manage to kill three bosses, you will receive an intermediate chest with a reward.

Interim Reward ChestFinal Reward Chest


Drop : 

Bundled Jewel of Bless
Bundled Jewel of Soul
Bundled Jewel of Life
Bundled Jewel of Creation
Bundled Jewel of Guardian

WcoinC = +2


Currently this is only one server.
  Dark-Space x100