Devils Square

What is Devil's Square

Devil's Square is a quest to test the strength and endurance of a MU Online player.

The reward for the winners will be experience and a huge amount of Zen.

How to get to Devil's Square

The pass to Devil's Square is the Devil's Square Invitation. It is created in

 the Chaos Machine . To create it, you will need the Devil's Key and Devil's Eye

(all of them must be of the same level) and one Jewel of Chaos 

(not needed to create the Devil's Square Invitation +1).

All of this is combined with varying odds of luck and requires a certain amount of Zen.

Devil's Key +[1-7] Devil's Eye +[1-7] 1x Jewel of Chaos Devil's Square Invincion +[1-7]

Quest time

At a certain time in the game MUonline messages start to appear: "15 (10,5)

minute(s) left before Devil's Square opens!".

And after the specified time has passed, the message "The gates of Devil's Square

are open!" As soon as you see such a message, do not hesitate to go with the

Devil's Square Invitation to Charon (he is in Lorencia 144x138).

Talk to him, a table will appear on the screen in which you need to choose the

appropriate level of Devil's Square for your character

(the Devil's Square Invitation in your inventory should be of the same level).

If you did everything correctly, you will get to Devil's Square.






Levels for regular
Levels for Magic Gladiator
and Dark Lord












After teleporting to Devil's Square, you are given time to prepare for battle and create

 a party from the participants present.




You have 15 minutes to complete the entire quest. Every 5-7 minutes,

stronger monsters appear. You need to hold out in Devil's Square until the

end to complete the quest.

The best MU Online players who kill the most monsters and survive until

the end will be rewarded with a huge amount of experience and Zen.






Currently this is only one server.
  Dark-Space x100