- Left mouse button: Move, Attack, lean, or sit
- Right mouse button: use skills/items
- [Ctrl] + mouse click: Attack another player (PK)
- F1 : Help
- F2 : Activate general chat messages
- F3 :Activate private messages On/Off
- F4 : Resizing the chat window
- F5 : Activate messenger when a message arrives
- F7 : Open section Ranking Board Combat Powers
- F8 : Open the character skins section
- F9 : Open section Daily Reward
- F10 : 3D camera ON
- F11 : 3D camera OFF
- F12 : Collapse window
- Enter : Open chat window
- Shift : Keep the hero in position
- Пробел : Automatically pick up objects from the ground
- Print Screen: Take a screenshot (the file is saved in the game folder)
- ALT : Show names of objects on the ground
- A : Launch Achievements window
- B : Gens Information
- T : Launch the Quest window
- C : Character parameters
- H : Event Information
- J : Jewels Bank
- I/V : Inventory
- M : Move between locations
- D : Automatic command window
- Q : Apply health restoration potion
- W : Apply mana restoration potion
- E : Use assigned potion
- R : Use assigned potion
- F : Open/close messenger
- P : Party window
- G : guild window
- X : X-Shop
- Z : Mu-Helper
- numbers from 1 to 9: Switch between assigned skills
- CTRL + number 1-9 : Assign a skill to a number
- END : Buy VIP
Game teams
"/reset" "Reset character"
"/post" "Post a message in global chat"
"/pk" "Clear PK"
"/pack" "Command for pack jewels"
"/unpack" "Command for unpack jewels"
"/Admin?" "Find administrator"
"/fireworks" "Start Fireworks "
"/info" "info
"/clearinv" "Clear inventory "
"/lock" "Block itens Move "
"/unlock" "Desbloc itens Move "
"/attack" "atakas only without helper "
"/Offattack" "Start Custom Attack Offline "
"/summon" "Summon help "
"/OffStore" "Open Custom Store Offline "
"/reply" "Quiz event"
"/s" "Add points in Str"
"/a" "Add points in Agi"
"/v" "Add points in Vit"
"/e" "Add points in Ene"
"/c" "Add points in Com"
"/zen" "Add zen +99999 = 300 WcoinC"