Castle Siege

Castle Siege Basics

  • Only one lock per server.
  • You can get to the Loren map via the teleport panel (M)
  • The Loren card is available from level 200.
  • Loren Canyon includes a Battle System (PVP).
  • During Seige, you can attack other participants
  • without pressing Ctrl.
  • During the quest, the PC Status can be removed
  • (Just like in Blood Castle or Devil Square).
  • Requirements for participants of the Siege (Castle Siege)
  • The Guildmaster of the participating Guild must be
  • at least level 200 (regardless of class)
  • A participating guild must have 3 or more players.
  • Participating Guilds must have an ally, this allows for more successful
  • use of the castle's features.*
  • Other Guilds and characters can participate in the siege as neutral
  • characters, but they cannot win the castle.
  • If the guild that owns the castle disbands, they will lose ownership of the castle.
  • Only 3 Guilds + allies can join the siege*

Requirements for participants of the Siege (Castle Siege)


 Guild Registration Period: Monday 6:00 ~ Tuesday 23:59
 Registration Period for Mark of Lord: Wednesday 6:00 AM ~ Friday 6:00 PM
 Ceasefire Period: Thursday 00:00 ~ Thursday 6:00
 Announcement: Friday 19:00 ~ Saturday 6:00
 Castle Preparation: Saturday 6:00 ~ Saturday 23:00
 Siege: Sunday 20:00 ~ 21:00

How to register

  • The guild must talk to the Guardsman NPC and click the "Announce
  • " button and their registration will be accepted.
  • Only the GM (Guild Master) of the main alliance can declare
  • a siege on Guardsman.
  • Any member of the guild that has declared a Siege may submit a
  • Mark of Lord during the registration period.
  • In the Guardsman menu, registered Guilds and their Allies will be shown.
  • The Guardsman menu displays the Siege Status.
  • Only the top three Guilds and their allies will be given priority to
  • participate in the Siege.
NPC GuardCastle Siege Status Info

Calculating the Rank of Registered:

Rank = ((Number of registered Mark of Lord * 5)

+ Number of Guild Members) + Guild Master Level /4

Siege Status 
The period of truceAllies can only be recruited after one siege ends and before the next one begins.
Registration Announcement of SiegeTime for the Guild to announce an attack on the castle
Registration periodTime for the top 3 Guilds when they rank up using Maks of Lord
Announcement of the Selected SiegemenThe Guilds that have been selected for the siege are announced.
The Siege BeginsStart time for Siege

*Note: Players can obtain Mark of Lord by killing any monster.

Castle Siege Basics

  • When Guilds are taken, a Sword icon appears above the members
  • of the besieging team, and a Shield icon appears above
  • the members of the besieged team.
  • Siege participants do not receive Killer Status during a Siege.
  • The above condition is applicable only for Loren Canyon
  • The Killer status will not be applied to Siege participants,
  • however it will be applied to non-participating characters.
  • Guild Masters receive a crown icon above them, instead of a Sword or Shield.
  • Neutral characters do not receive any icons.
  • Registration/withdrawal of a guild during a battle is not allowed.
  • Participants of the Siege
  • The attacking team gets a Sword icon above them, and the
  • besieged team gets a Shield icon.
  • A Crown appears above Guild Masters instead of a Sword or
  • Shield. (Blue crown above the GM of the besieged team
  • and Red crown above the GM of the conquering team
  • Neutral characters can be retaliated by pressing the [CTRL] key .

Guild Master of the Attacking Team

Guild Master of the besieged team

Attacking team member

Member of the besieged team


Basic Policy and Conditions of Victory






    • The attacking/defending team alliance will be
    • automatically enabled for both teams.
    • Attacking your own army is only possible by pressing the Ctrl key.
    • Range attack can give 80% reduced damage to the own
    • troops and 60% reduced damage for the other troops.
    • To win, the GM's seal must be registered on the pedestal
    • located in the Dragon Tower, if he succeeds, the owner of the castle will change.
    • Only the GM can deliver the seal to the pedestal.
    • The seal imprint lasts 30 seconds, if the 2 footholders needed
    • for the imprint are cancelled or the character is killed, the
    • imprint does not occur.
    • Time remains even after a successful seal imprint, and the
    • battle continues, but the teams switch roles.
    • The guild with their official seal, printed at the end of the
    • siege, will be the owner of the castle.

Teleport to Loren

The guild that owns the castle (including the merged guild)

can teleport through Loren canyon to the castle.

*Teleportation cannot be used during a Siege, however the

besieged team can teleport to the castle using the "Town portal scroll".

Main functions (components) of the lock

Castle Gate

  • Castle gates have a certain Defense, HP, Durability,
  • and can be attacked (but do not attack) during a siege.
  • When attacking a gate, the Durability of weapons drops quickly,
  • so using Potion of Bless is highly recommended.
  • The gates will not be restored until the siege is over.
  • Gates can be upgraded to a maximum of 3 levels of defense and durability.
  • (Upgrading and restoring gates during battle is not possible).


Castle GatesThe castle is divided into 3 parts (sections) by walls and gates. Each subsequent section can be reached by destroying only one gate.

Guardian Statues

  • Once all 4 statues in the castle are destroyed, the
  • Dragon Tower shield will be removed.
  • Only players on the defending team can pass through the shield.
  • HP/MP/AG recovery occurs near the statue.
  • The recovery level can be raised to a maximum of 3.
  • Statues have a certain defense, strength and durability,
  • they can be attacked (but do not attack themselves)
  • only during a siege. When attacking statues, the durability
  • of weapons decreases quickly, so it is highly recommended to use Potion of Bless.
  • Statues can be upgraded to a maximum of 3 levels of defense,
  • strength and durability (upgrading and restoring statues during battle is not possible).

[Destroy 4 Guardian Statues to enter the Dragon Tower.]

Towers (Cannon Towers)

Once the battle begins, the Statues will be protected by towers.

Towers attack players around them.

Towers can be attacked and destroyed in the same way as Statues

or Castle Gates, but this is not necessary.


Dragon Tower

This huge tower is located at the very end of the castle.

The tower is divided into a fenced entrance and an upper floor.

On the top floor of the tower there is a "room"

for the owner of the castle and a pedestal with a seal.

The entrance to the tower is protected by a shield,

which blocks entry for the attacking team.

To get there, you need to destroy 4 statues.

Setting up the seal

On the top floor of the tower there is a "room" for the owner

of the castle and a pedestal with a seal.

Once the Guild Master of the attacking alliance sets their seal,

the Sword Icon above their head will change to a

Shield Icon and they will have to defend their castle.

The guild whose seal is present at the end of the

siege becomes the Owner of the castle.


Siege weapons

Siege weapons are placed in the appropriate places for

the attacking and besieged teams.

Click on a weapon to view the menu and select the area to attack.

Players can observe the attack of a siege weapon.



  • Potion of Bless and Potion of Soul

    These potions are needed to destroy the castle gates and statues.
  • Without the use of potions, when attacking statues and castle gates,
  • the durability of the weapon quickly decreases, which significantly
  • reduces its power and effectiveness.

    Potion of Bless Stats
  • Duration of action is 60 seconds.
  • Damage is increased by +20% when attacking castle gates or statues,
  • however this increase does not apply when attacking another player.

Potion of Soul Characteristics

  • Duration of action is 60 seconds.
  • AG recovery +8.
  • Increases Lightning and Ice defense by 50%.
  • Increases attack speed (+20).
Potion of BlessPotion of Soul

Recipe for making potions

  • Talk to Chaos Goblin and choose "chaos mix"
  • Potion of Bless: 10 bottles of potion are made from one Jewel of Bless;
  • Potion of Soul: 10 bottles of potion will be made from one Jewel of Soul.
  • You will need 100,000 gold for Jewel of Bless and 50,000 gold for Jewel of Soul.
  • Example: You will get 20 potions if you use 2 stones and 50 if you use 5 stones.
  • If you don't have room in your inventory, you won't be able to make potions.

1x Jewel of Bless


Potion of Bless

1x Jewel of Soul


Potion of Soul

Potion of Bless and Potion of Soul can also be used like

regular potions using the Q/W/E keys.

Keys can be assigned by pressing Ctrl + Q/W/E while hovering

over the potion.

When using Potion of Bless and Potion of Soul, the potion used is

displayed at the top of the screen.

Icon of the used potion. The icon is displayed as long as the potion is active and disappears when the potion's effect ends.


Since the attacking team is usually larger than the besieged team,

the latter have the opportunity to hire soldiers to help defend the castle.

The defending team can buy a Soldier in the castle.

There is an option to choose an Archer or a Spearman.

Only the Guild Master and Assistant GM can place soldiers.

Maximum of 100 soldiers, can be placed at any time after the siege begins.

Soldiers will appear where you place them.

They will begin to attack the attackers immediately after appearing.





The castle owner can collect taxes from the use of warehouses

and other systems that he manages. Setting the tax rate and customization

parameters for castle operations is done through the Senior located in Dragon Tower.


Role: Maintenance and improvement of 6 castle gates and 4 Statues, tax regulation. Restoration/Improvement is not possible during a siege. Tax management is allowed 2 hours after the end of a siege and before the beginning of the next one. Tax is not applied during a siege. Creating the best things possible.


Castle gate maintenance

Improvement levelLevel 0 (Beginner)Level 1Level 2Level 3

Gate upgrade price

Improvement levelLevel 1Level 2Level 3
HP2 Jewel of guardian + 1,000,000 zen3 Jewel of guardian + 1,000,000 zen4 Jewel of guardian + 1,000,000 zen
Protection2 Jewel of guardian + 3,000,000 zen3 Jewel of guardian + 3,000,000 zen4 Jewel of guardian + 3,000,000 zen

Gates can have 3 levels of strength.

The gates can have 3 levels of protection.

When durability is 100% the "Repair" button will not be active.

RedThe color of the strip shows that the gate is destroyed.
OrangeThe color of the strip shows that the gate needs repair.
WhiteThe color of the strip shows that there is no damage.


Maintenance of the castle statues

Improvement levelLevel 0 (Beginner)Level 1Level 2Level 3

Price of upgrading statues

Improvement levelLevel 1Level 2Level 3
HP3 Jewel of guardian + 1,000,000 zen5 Jewel of guardian + 1,000,000 zen7 Jewel of guardian + 1,000,000 zen
Protection3 Jewel of guardian + 3,000,000 zen5 Jewel of guardian + 3,000,000 zen7 Jewel of guardian + 3,000,000 zen
Recovery3 Jewel of guardian + 5,000,000 zen5 Jewel of guardian + 5,000,000 zen7 Jewel of guardian + 5,000,000 zen

Tax management

The owner of the castle can collect taxes from all merchants.

Set the tax amount (up to 3%) for Senior.

Tax management menu
To put the tax into effect, click "Apply".
The collected tax will be displayed at the Senior and only the owner of the castle can collect it.

Tax system adjuster

  • Taxation can only be changed 2 hours after the end of a
  • siege and until the next siege.
  • The tax is divided between the Chaos Goblin and the NPC.
  • Only the owner of the castle can set a tax.
  • The tax will be applied after clicking the "Apply" button
  • and will be added to the current price of the items.
  • The collected tax will be displayed as the Senior's remaining Zen.
  • NPCs not affected by tax: Sebina, Marlon, Guild master,
  • Charon, Messenger of Archangel.
  • Only the owner of the castle can collect the collected tax.
  • The maximum amount you can withdraw at a time is 50,000,000 zen.
  • The cost of maintenance/upgrades is deducted from the castle owner's account
  • (Zen are required to manage the castle in the future).


Dark Knight (Cresent Moon Slash)

Character Class: Blade Knight
Skill attack power: 90
Mana: 22
AG: 15
Attack range: 4
The skill will only be active during a siege battle.


Dark Wizard (Wind Blades)


Character Class: Soul Master
Skill attack power: 90
Mana: 150
AG: 10
Attack distance: 6
Double impact in one blow
The skill will only be active during a siege battle.


Elf (Heaven arrow)


Character Class: Muse Elf
Skill attack power: 120
Mana: 20
AG: 15
Attack range: 8
The skill will only be active during a siege battle.


Magic Gladiator (Spiral Slash)


Character Class: Magic Gladiator
Skill attack power: 75
Mana: 20
AG: 15
Attack range: 5
Double cut in one hit
The skill will only be active during a siege battle.
Can only be used with a Sword in hand.


Magic Gladiator (Mana Rays)


Character Class: Magic Gladiator
Skill attack power: 85
Mana: 130
AG: 7
Attack distance: 6
Double cut in one hit
The skill will only be active during a siege battle.
Can only be used with a Staff in hand.


Dark Lord (Fire Spines)


Character Class: Dark Lord
Skill attack power: 150
Mana: 30
AG: 10
Attack distance: 6
Double cut in one hit
The skill will only be active during a siege battle.


Status, Command System

For members of the attacking/besieged team guilds, the siege status

(mini-map) is displayed on the lower right side of the screen.

  • Displays the player's location, guild master's team status,
  • castle deployment plan and castle status.
  • Displayed when the siege has started and disappears
  • when the siege moves to a non-combat zone.
  • You can toggle the panel on/off using the [Tab] key .
  • Command functions are given only to the Guild Master
  • of the attacking/besieged team. It is possible to control the
  • attack locations of guild members using this function.
  • The Guild Master can give commands to the guild members
  • using attack commands (Sword icon), defense commands
  • (Shield icon), stop (Flag icon: Stop).
  • A total of 7 groups can be controlled from this menu.

Mini maps

Regular playersGuild Master

Life Stone Only the Guild Master or the Guild Master of the attacking team's

allies can use the Life Stone. Once the stone is created, it becomes a respawn zone

for the entire guild. Once a member of the attacking team is killed, they

will respawn near the life stone, not outside the castle.

  • When a member of an attacking guild (including allied guilds)
  • dies, he will respawn not far from the battlefield.
  • Can only be used by the attacking team.
  • 60 seconds are provided for placing Life stone.
  • Using his special power, he restores HP/MP/AG of
  • the attacking team characters around him (3 cells) at a certain time.
  • Life Stones can be destroyed when attacked by either the
  • offensive or defensive teams.

Creation of Life Stone

Life Stones can be crafted in the Chaos Machine.

Formula Life stone = Jewel of bless 5 + Jewel of soul 5 +

Jewel of guardian 1 + Jewel of Chaos 1 + 5M zen

5x Jewel of Bless


5x Jewel of Soul


1x Guardian Jewel


1x Jewel of Chaos


Place Life Stone

Land of Trials

The owner of the winning team's castle will also

manage the Land of Trials.

Land of Trials is an independent zone and regular

players will not be able to enter it unless the castle owner allows them to do so.

Basic settings

Click on Guard to enter Land of Trials.

The castle owner and his guild members can enter the area without permission.

Regular players who are not members of the castle owner's

guild or of allied guilds may not be allowed into this location,

depending on the owner's settings.

Using Teleport or the M key is not applicable in Land of Trials.

(Valley of loren entrance coordinates: 140, 101)

When dying in Land of Trials, the player is respawned in Lorencia.


The owner can change the price for entering the Land of Trials using the Guard.


Allows/Denieds access for regular players to enter Land of Trials
Sets the entry price for regular players. The castle owner and his guild members can enter the map without restriction.

Monsters of Land of Trials

Axe WarriorStrengthDamage min.Damage max.ProtectionChance of Defense

Level: 75     
Lizard WarriorStrengthDamage min.Damage max.ProtectionChance of Defense

Level: 78     
Poison GolemStrengthDamage min.Damage max.ProtectionChance of Defense

Level: 84     
Queen BeeStrengthDamage min.Damage max.ProtectionChance of Defense

Level: 92     
Fire GolemStrengthDamage min.Damage max.ProtectionChance of Defense

Level: 102     
ErohimStrengthDamage min.Damage max.ProtectionChance of Defense

Level: 128     


* Erohim (Main Monster): Erohim's abilities are classified.

Brief description of monsters

Axe Warrior

Axe Warrior is a monster that also acts as a guard for the Land of Trials.

Lizard Warrior

Lizard Warrior lives in the Land of Trials. It has changed due to Erohim's

curse. Lizard Warrior will brutally attack its enemies and eat their remains.

Poison Golem

Poison Golems disappeared after Erohim's curse and were reborn in the swamps,

where they were mutated by the swamp's poisons.

They guard the Land of Trials with their powerful and poisoned paws.

Queen Bee

Queen Bee was cursed by Erohim. She was born after drinking Bala's blood

and sucks the blood of her victims. She has killed many adventurers and was

called the Monster of Monsters on the land.

Fire Golem

This monster has a powerful attack skill - Stone crusher. The heart of the

Fire Golem is like a huge red-hot furnace, destroying and burning everything in its path.

He will enslave any adventurer who accidentally enters the Land of Trials.


Long ago, Erohim committed a brutal murder by killing his mentor Bala. Because

of this mortal sin, he was sentenced to eternal imprisonment in the Land of Trials.

Since then, he rules the Land of Trials and revives its inhabitants with the

Jewels of Guardian. With his army, he seeks to enslave the entire world of MU Online.

Approximate location of monsters


Axe WarriorsLizard WarriorsPoison GolemsQueen BeeFire GolemsErohim


Currently this is only one server.
  Dark-Space x100